I Can't Do My Hair
I'm not sure if this is the right forum to post this but I don't know how to do my hair and I am ashamed and insecure about it. I kinda am scared of my hair, I don't know the asics nor do I like doing my hair, I never done it on my own or done my own style, I'm not sure. But I want to do it on my own so i can become independent and not feel insecure about it, but i'm afraid of messing it up. The weird thing is that I don't want to but I think its necessary, I just want to find it enjoyable so I can grow to love it and not see it as an obstacle.
If this isn't the right forum to post i'm sorry for the inconvenience.
@independentWillow3643 hey I know your problem. I have had real problems doing my hair too. Since my mother is a white german she did not know how to handle my hair since ever.
So I never learned it myself. My skull is very sensitive because my mom used to comb my hair in a rush and just like that, whether caring if it hurts or not. It just had to be comded. That's it.
In the end when I moved out I had to manage my hair alone. So. I tried a looooot of products. And finally I found argan oil from Morocco so that I could at least comb it. Styling is not something I want to do. Maybe once in 4 years or so.
But if you want to know how to style your hair there are a lot of YouTubers who suggest different styles and natural or afro products to help you out.
To find your own style is a challenge and it will take time. But it's worth it.
So dont give up! If I can give you any other advice just ask. I am not an expert on this but its always nice to talk about things.
What may be also good for your hair is for example coconut oil, olive oil or ale vera treatments.
Have a good day!
There is no right or wrong way to do your hair and it certainly isn't necessary for you to do it in a specific way. Your hair is yours and is one of the many things that makes you unique, you shouldn't feel the need to change it just to fit in with what everybody else is doing. I'm sure that your hair is beautiful just the way it is and there's no need for you to feel insecure about it. If you really do want to change it then there are styles you can easily learn and there are so many to test which means you can find some that you like or that are easy or that suit you etc. it just takes a little bit of practice. I rarely ever style my hair because I don't really have an interest in doing so but if that's something you want to do then don't let anybody hold you back, experiment as much as you want until you find something that's right for you. I hopes this helps even a little bit, good luck. Xx
There are some great tutorials on Youtube, that is how I learned to create most of the styles that I wear today.