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We Feel Offended and Pushed Away

DarknessSystem August 29th, 2023

Our name is Darkness. We mostly go by Dark.

We were diagnosed with DID and on the way of being diagnosed with BPD as we believe we were misdiagnosed with ODD and CD as it is an issue prolonging with BPD. We need help with controlling our emotions, because if we have this BPD (which we know we do), we need IEP and we need to learn how to control ourselves first! Please help...we all need help...all 16 of us (not counting the host, Dark). Our parents refuse to get us a therapist, so we are working to pay for our own. They hate us and push our opinions away. We just get yelled at for things we never had done. Our autistic brother is favorited, and just because of our age, they think we should "always act like your age to be accepted, not giving yourself issues you don't have" ...we hate us...

DarknessSystem OP August 29th, 2023

We also need help coping with it hurts..

MairaAcharaya August 30th, 2023

Even I joined this app bcuz I wasn't able to find any other option. I looked online for many therapists but can't find any who'll chat for free.

MeaningfulSilence August 30th, 2023


Hi there DarknessSystem, it's sad to know that your family isn't helping you with a therapist and that you will have to find a way to pay for it. That's surely difficult and I can understand how bad you feel.

Emotions are something not easy to manage, pretty everyone has difficulties with strong emotions, yet there are some coping mechanisms everyone can learn accordingly to their specific situation because what works for a person could be irrelevant for another.

For example you can see if you have specific triggers that lead you to specific emotions and see if you can work on them in steps. The more you are aware of what makes you feel bad and why, the best you can find ways to improve with emotions.

What are the emotions you experience more often that impacts on you negatively ?

Sending you good vibes!

DarknessSystem OP August 31st, 2023

Severe anger bursts is definitely one of the main emotions that we have, we cannot focus in school or at home.

We just told our mother about our did and she keeps telling us "you don't have it, because you would've told the doctor". We tried to explain we were scared but she refuses to listen to us.

Another one of our impacting emotions, is depression. We have depression that is so bad, even the most simplest thing depresses us and causes us to cry uncontrollably. We are in the process of being diagnosed with BPD due to the fact we spoke to our counselor and he told us the same thing. We need to talk to our parents. We tried. He is out sick today so we will be seriously stressed out and in need of support instead of...being pushed away like our parents and siblings do.

We appreciate the replies and support you are giving us! We are in truly in your debt.

DarknessSystem OP August 31st, 2023

Not to make situations worse. We have no way to get into town and back home. We cannot get a job due to that issue. We hate it. We know no one here and that really stresses us out more.