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Paranoid Personality Disorder

sinkinganddisappearing July 18th, 2023

I'm hoping for some advice my partner suffers from extreme paranoia on top of anxiety and childhood trauma issues we've been together 10years and I love him but life with him is exhausting and I now have a son to think about .... I just want to know how I can help him feel more secure in the relationship it seems impossible and I don't know if I can carry on living like this ...

happysunflower94 July 19th, 2023

Hey @sinkinganddisappearing,

I'm happy that you reached out to 7Cups! Paranoid Personality Disorder can be a difficult disorder to live with, especially when the person diagnosed with the disorder do not realize they have a problem. With personality disorders, I believe the best option is to seek the opinion of a specialist. :) I am not sure if psychotherapists working with 7Cups are active on forums, but I believe a therapist would know better about how to approach the situation you described. Best of luck with everything!

MeaningfulSilence July 25th, 2023


Hello there, sorry for your difficulty. You are very caring and focused on the family improvement, which is a good and nice thing. Just to understand better the situation, was he diagnosed by a specialist? Because having more precise idea of his struggles can help you looking for the right strategies to cope with it.

I would say that having an open communication with him to see if he agrees on asking your help can be good. That way he can share how he feels, what he feels and the thoughts he's having.

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Sending you good vibes!