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i feel so lost

smallkitchens June 12th, 2015

i feel so lost and alone. i constantly get rejected by potential suitors, some even before we meet in person. the ones that i do meet in person seem to not be interested in me. i have been sort of lost since i lost my partner of two years about six months ago. i am trying to move on by meeting other people, and i have so much love to give in my heart, but it seems that no one wants it. i know "forever alone" is just an untrue adage, but i am beginning to feel like i'll never find anyone that i am attracted to that understands and accepts me for who i am. i am diagnosed bipolar and borderline, and sometimes i take my issues with myself out on people that have nothing to do with it, making my relationships unstable. not to mention jealousy and reassurance issues. i admit that it's probably hard to love me, but i am trying to change by going to therapy and CBT. i feel like neither is helping me with the longing feeling of wanting to share myself with. i feel like i'm not worthy enough to better myself for myself, i feel like i can only move forward with my life if i have someone to work for. it's hard to get motivated, so i am pretty stagnant in my life at this point in time. i don't know what to do, so i've turned here for some insight. i hope that there's more to say in response to "keep busy" and "stop looking". thanks for your time :]

Anomalia November 30th, 2016

@smallkitchens - I think it's hard to move forward from a long relationship that meant a lot - it's easy to want to put a time limit on missing them and move forward in a specific time, but that's not always how it works, and it's okay to not be ready yet or for it to take time. In terms of keep busy and stop looking - those aren't terrible ideas, but I think if there's something you want, it's okay to be proactive about it, too - figure out what you're looking for, where to find it, and go after it!