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Personality Disorder

amyd66 August 3rd, 2023

i seriously hate psychiatrists so much.

just listened to a interview with one of them talking about personality disorders and once again, talking about how we are sooooo manipulative, dont really tell the truth and need to ask other people to confirm our stories.

like what the *** is wrong with you. its for people like you that we arent taken seriously and we dont get any help.

YourCaringConfidant August 3rd, 2023

@amyd66 I empathize with you and I share in your frustrations about those of us with personality disorders may find it a struggle getting the help with may need. As you brought up, sometimes it is because of people's preconceived notions about how we are. I like to give people the benefit of the doubt because sometimes they just don't know-- no matter how many years of study or experience. I definitely do not think all people are the same and not all are manipulative. To group everyone with a personality disorder as such is not right. I understand why watching this interview and being upset may cause you to "hate psychiatrists". For me, I like to keep in mind that not all of them are the same so the same way I do not like them grouping us all the same, I try not to do the same. Thank you for sharing your feelings about this. This is something definitely worth bringing attention to. I hope you have a great day. <3

MeaningfulSilence August 3rd, 2023


Hi amyd66!

They probably explained things in generic terms?

Because for every condition there could be common traits, but every person is different so the complexity of each personality can influence some aspects of the condition itself.

Sorry that you felt judged in their list of characteristics, remember that the condition doesn't define who you are.

Take care