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I think I have BPD but i feel weird about it because of people online faking it

peachiekeen23 April 29th, 2023

I recently found out about BPD and i have never resonated with symptoms more. I always feel like everyone hates me, i make impulsive decisions barely thinking about the future, i have major mood swings and go from being super angry to not even caring about the situation even if it was worth being angry over. i’ve always hated myself for that one. i have sometimes compulsively self harmed because of the strong feelings i felt and completely regret it later. i very often dissociate and go into a dream like state, i always wonder if everything is my fault and if nobody really likes me. the list goes on. the problem is a) i feel like my parent would never understand because i don’t think my mom really believes in therapy and that i could maybe not be the normal and b) i can’t help but think i’m just a teen girl that’s making it all up for attention. i mean what if i’m just imagining all of it? idk what to do so pls put suggestions, advice, etc.

globalBraid3744 May 6th, 2023


It sounds like you are going through a lot and are struggling with some difficult emotions. I'm sorry to hear that you are feeling unsupported and unsure of your experiences. It's important to remember that your experiences are valid and that seeking support and guidance from a mental health professional or simply talking to a listener here can be incredibly helpful. You can find make use of the self-help guides here:, there are useful tips :)