Anyone else been through this?
I've been experiencing gender dysphoria, and sometimes I feel male, sometimes female and other times neither. I don't know whether this is as a result of a lack of a stable identity, social anxiety caused around having short hair, as a result of depersonalisation or whether I might be non-binary. Anyone else with BPD experienced this dilemma?
Hi there, I'm not sure this can help you, but my lack of a stable sense of identity results into a sense of having lots of 'fragments', kind of different identities, and some of them are male, some are female, to the point that a diagnosis of DID is being considered but it would be in the low spectrum. I am however only attracted to men, even if I can experience the random fascination for a woman.
Not sure this can help you as I said... but I wanted to let you know that I can understand your struggle... Sending a safe hug to you, if that's ok.