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Nut and cakey zone

reliableCake732 January 1st

It's our place to talk.



Cxen January 1st

Thanks for making this

reliableCake732 OP January 1st


Welcome πŸ’žπŸ˜

Cxen January 1st

Where i can find this when i need to take to you

reliableCake732 OP January 1st


Just search it over as nut and cakey zone in general support community πŸ’Œ

Cxen January 1st

Ohh, thanks for letting me know

Cxen January 1st

For how long you have been here

reliableCake732 OP January 1st


Rn I am available,we can talk rn

Cxen January 1st

Ohh, i Wana thank you that you notice me first, here i was little bit scared, to be here but you made me comfortable

reliableCake732 OP January 1st


Your welcome πŸ’žπŸ˜ƒ

Cxen January 1st

Actually, you should be little angel, you are going through a lot although trying to help other, btw from where you are in India

reliableCake732 OP January 1st



Cxen January 1st


reliableCake732 OP January 1st


I have something to ask you?

Do you beldve in manifestation

Cxen January 1st

Idk sometimes it's work for me but sometimes it doesn't, so i am confused? Little bit i guess

reliableCake732 OP January 1st


I am too lol

Cxen January 1st

Why so?

reliableCake732 OP January 1st


Idk 😢

Cxen January 1st

Not your are not, a/c to you age you are to good, btw you ignored my upper question

reliableCake732 OP January 1st


Which question ❓

Cxen January 1st

Scroll it up

Cxen January 1st

What's your native language then

reliableCake732 OP January 1st



Cxen January 1st


Ohh, it's nice love bengali language, it's too sweet to hear

reliableCake732 OP January 1st


Ty , πŸ’ž Nepali is sweet tooπŸ˜ƒπŸ‘€

Cxen January 1st


reliableCake732 OP January 1st


Both of my parents are Indian my third language is Hindi,second Bengali and first English,but my native lang is Bangali

Cxen January 1st

If you wouldn't mind can i ask you something?

Cxen January 1st

Can i ask you something, if you wouldn't mind it, why you are not with your dad?

reliableCake732 OP January 1st


He comes in weekend,due to his busy schedule rn I am with my relatives...

Cxen January 1st

Ohh, don't you fell left out, there, or else you have got cousin there?

reliableCake732 OP January 1st


I have a cousin and it's okayish,but I miss my fam alot

Cxen January 1st


Is he girl?

reliableCake732 OP January 1st


Yes she is

Cxen January 1st


Then it wouldn. Be little easier to connect her. Is she older then you?

reliableCake732 OP January 1st


What's your fave anime,or can you recommend me some animes,a/c my age ?

Cxen January 1st

Do you watch anime movies?

reliableCake732 OP January 1st


Ya I do watch

Cxen January 1st

Which one is your fav?

Cxen January 1st

Demon slayer, or jjk, death note

There is violence but not any abuse consent so you can watch it, or if want long anime series then of course noruto

reliableCake732 OP January 1st

