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Sick Kid - just venting

Iyyana June 12th, 2023

i guess i just need a place to vent. One of my little ones has pink eye and it's been super exhausting this entire weekend. I took my other kiddos to the park and they had a blast but when i got home the one that couldn't go was just incredibly hard to deal with it overwhelmed me. my husband helped alot and he deserved a break so im glad he got that. getting our son to take the eye drops is a task in itself. he's just so cranky and i know it's because he feels terrible. i just wish there was more i could do. hopefully it all subsides in the next few days.😕

toughTiger6481 June 12th, 2023


here to hoping for a speedy recovery ........ some of the longest days i have endured was with a sick kid.

Iyyana OP June 12th, 2023

thank you

Truth22 June 12th, 2023


Having a sick kid is the worst. I hope he feels better soon!


Iyyana OP June 12th, 2023

Thank you