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User Profile: powerfulPlum3916
powerfulPlum3916 November 1st, 2023

Hi everyone! I am in desperate need of help (or advice I should say). So, I have history of irregular periods. Would be on/off example: I get period for one month straight and it’s REALLY heavy (basically spend most of time in bathroom) then I wouldn’t get it for another 5 months even up to a year and again, would last long and extremely heavy or regular. Then maybe the next month or two I will finally get a normal 1-week period. My last period was in February of this year, 2023 and lasted one week. I’ve gotten it in January also, for one week as well. Haven’t gotten it since Mid October of this year (with use of birth control, not “normally”).

My concern is my fertility. Because I’m not menstruating like I should be, would this mean I wouldn’t be able to have kids? I mean, isn’t it where you release eggs once a month then right after that period ends, it’s a higher chance of getting pregnant?

I’ve reached out to my gyno in which I was then prescribed nuvaring so I can produce a period once a month like I should be (I’ve also heard the “blood” in that period that is caused isn’t actually menstrual blood but just regular body produced blood). I’m still concerned that it won’t help out with becoming fertile. I don’t quite understand how it exactly helps with that. (Gyno said when I plan on getting pregnant to stop using ring). I’ve asked gyno and doctor how exactly that will help but still cannot get a clear understanding. (I do not have pcos, I’ve gotten cleared for that).

Sorry if tmi, but boyfriend claims he might’ve finished in me a few times and is worried that I haven’t gotten pregnant since we really do eventually want kids.

For reference I am 22.


~ Thank you for those that do take the time to reply and help out! Please don’t judge as I just don’t have much knowledge about this topic which is why I’m reaching out-please be respectful.

User Profile: toughTiger6481
toughTiger6481 November 1st, 2023


You should have discussion with your doctor as there can be many factors. 

 have a deeper discussion with your doctor about fertility for your future  and long term effects of anything they are prescribing to even out your cycle. 

User Profile: poliq
poliq March 4th, 2024

Hello everyone,

I wanted to share my experience with, where my partner and I sought help in our journey towards parenthood. Dealing with infertility can be emotionally taxing, but the supportive environment at this Clinic made all the difference. Whether it was through counseling services, support groups, or simply lending a listening ear, they were there for us every step of the way. Overall, our experience  was incredibly positive, and we're grateful for the care and support we received. If you're in a similar situation and looking for a reliable and compassionate fertility clinic, I highly recommend giving them a try.

User Profile: presherw
presherw March 11th, 2024

@powerfulplum3916 my wife was the same way before we had kids and even birth control didn’t make her fully regular. We started trying to have kids and had to wait a year to get seen for infertility clinic but they put her on this pill to pretty much restart her whole system and she got pregnant a week later. She was just as nervous as you before though so I feel your worries in my heart. I hope all goes well and I just shared our story cause I hope it helps.

User Profile: Cacai
Cacai April 29th, 2024

Before getting married and having kids, my period was extremely heavy similar to what you have described. I was eventually admitted into the hospital and was diagnosed with PCOS. I was told I would not be able to have kids. After I was discharged I went to another doctor and she prescribed me to be on the pill called yasmin but start the first day of the pill on the 5th day of my cycle (regardless whether I was bleeding or not) to help regulate my menstrual cycle. From 2012 all the way to 2020 I was on the pill and my period came regularly every month. Then when i stopped the pill, I got pregnant (unfortunately it was a miscarriage due to other factors, I was working alot). Both my husband and I started taking prenatal vitamins everyday and then after a year we tried to get pregnant again. We were blessed and did so. The first trimester for me was tough as I was still working so my doctor ordered me to be on bed rest. Now my first born is 2 years old. For my second pregnancy, I was doing floor pilates at home to help me lose weight and gain strength. After losing 10 kg from my pregnancy weight I got pregnant again.

I think it is best you have your doctor thoroughly check you and then you listen to your body. I didnt do strenuous exercise, I just did low impact movements in pilates and started with 20 mins a day only. I also didnt do the exercise right after I gave birth, I did them after my first born turned 1. That was the time I felt ready physically, mentally and emotionally. I hope this finds u comfort and wish you will also be blessed with a baby soon.