Please note that I am undiagnosed, but this is something that's been bothering me on and off for over five years.
In July of 2016 I was diagnosed with depression and was at my lowest point. Anxiety wasn't in the picture, though I'd had a lot of trouble with paranoia in the past. Though I guess when I was on Zoloft, it could've kept anxiety and depression at bay. But then, as of this August, I was forced to stop taking the medication all together and something just changed in me.
I guess it all began before that, though.
I remember laying in bed back in 2012 and worrying about my siblings, (one of them was in bad health at the time). I wondered what I could do to help? Being religious, I decided to pray for them, specifically the guardian angel prayer. The first night, that was fine. But by the second night, I forced myself to keep repeating the prayer because I felt like I didn't say it right. A few days later, my then-four-year old sister gave me a bracelet and I decided not to take it off as good luck, that if I did, something bad would happen. The prayers intensified. I had to list each siblings' name in it while repeating it at least 9 times before I felt it right.
When the bracelet broke, I got really upset and panicked.
I picked up the bracelet habit again in 2016, though I didn't have to say a prayer at night or anything.
In July, 2017, before going to the beach without my mom, she gave me a hairpiece because I asked for it. And because she wouldn't be there with me, I decided I wouldn't take it off. Even after I got home, I still didn't. It's January, and it hasn't been removed from my wrist in six months. It's falling apart, rubber's sticking out. But I just can't take it off. And in August of that same year, the repetitive prayer thing started up again. I began having horrific thoughts of things that could happen to my siblings. So I thought up a phrase--- which now includes their names--- and have to repeat it three times correctly for the thoughts to go away for a second. Most days, I have to keep repeating it over and over again, always an even number of times and always in threes. My fingers also always have to be pointed up, or I feel like it's bad luck. It can be quite painful, honestly.
I'm just wondering if this is OCD and where it even came from. This is nothing like the other symptoms I had a year ago and I have to wonder if cutting off the medicine caused something like this to happen. I'm really not happy with it. :/
@newday17 It sounds like OCD but could also be a different manifestation of your anxiety. I am sorry you had to stop your meds, sounds like they were helpful.