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Messy, Collector or Hoarding Disorder?

ouiCherie May 19th, 2021

Hi Everyone,

Do you feel your living space is cluttered with stuff and wondering if it is a hoarding disorder? Let's check out and feel free to add more information on the comment below ♡

Someone can be very messy, but as soon as they have motivation and time or have someone help, they have no issue throwing away stuff that is considered as thrash or invaluable and clearing the clutter.

messy room frantic kid GIF

Someone is a collector when they display their stuff proudly for their own satisfaction and or for others to see

Someone is a hoarder when it involves the acquisition of a large number of possessions that clutter the living area of the person collecting them.


It becomes a disorder when the behavior negatively affects the quality of life, disturbing the comfort of their living space, yet the person is having difficulty discarding the hoarded stuff or even becoming upset if someone tries to clear the clutter, which leads to significant distress.


❍ Is there more information about hoarding you would like to add?

❍ What is the motivation behind hoarding behaviour?

❍ What is the 'fear' behind difficulty to discard hoarded stuff despite the discomfort and stress it causes?

❍ What do you think would be the first small step to do for someone suffering hoarding disorder to overcome it?


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Last updated 7/20/2021 @jovialButterfly6752: removed external links, added new details related to applications, etc.

Sunisshiningandsoareyou May 22nd, 2021

Heyy @ouiCherie , this is such a great read, I've never thought of these in terms of disorders, and now when I think into it , I feel it's a common one and can certainly use more awareness too , thanks for sharing, Cherie ❤

I found this useful guide about hoarding disorder , the tips to overcome and manage hoarding In this guide are very much agreeable and sound great !

ouiCherie OP May 22nd, 2021

@Sunisshiningandsoareyou thanks for adding the guide Sunny 💜

FlourishingDimensions June 20th, 2021


This is an important topic, a great post, and great questions!

❍ Is there more information about hoarding you would like to add? If you or someone you know deals with hoarding, it can be helpful to remember this isn’t something that is chosen. Hoarding disorder can be complex and helping someone or yourself, can mean, being prepared to go beyond simply approaching the idea of cleaning out the clutter.

❍ What is the motivation behind hoarding behaviour? Some hoarding can be complex. Sometimes hoarding symptoms can follow traumatic or stressful life event. Sometimes hoarding disorder can sometimes accompany something else, such as OCD, anxiety disorders, depression, PTSD, or ADHD. Sometimes hoarding is something an older adult with a family history of hoarding could be diagnosed with.

❍ What is the 'fear' behind the difficulty to discard hoarded stuff despite the discomfort and stress it causes? In some instances, people with hoarding disorder may not identify their behavior as problematic. Therefore the ‘fear’ could possibly be confusion or frustration at being approached?

❍ What do you think would be the first small step to do for someone suffering from hoarding disorder to overcome it? All the while remembering to be patient and respectful of them, their decisions, and their items. Also, it can be important not to be judgmental or try to force or control them to act in a certain way. Consider also remembering not to minimize the situation, it took a while to get what it has become in most cases, so the solution may need to be gradual as well.