Hi there Liz. My advice would be to not rely on self control, you are just going to end up picking at your skin again. Do things that make it burdensome and hard to pick your skin. Adjust the lighting (get less bright bulbs). get rid of the super close up magnifying mirrors or adjust the furniture so it’s more strenuous to lean your face in close to a mirror. Hydrocolloid (patches) can be helpful. You could also grow out your nails or get fake longish nails. Having acrylics makes picking a pain and eventually you won’t even attempt try. My last tip is to have a go-to activity to occupy yourself when you feel the urge to pick at your skin, for a distraction. I hope at least one of these tips help you out, I myself used to struggle big time with this. I believe in you. : )
Those are some great tips, thank you for sharing.
@Liz444 something that helps me is a stress ball, filing my nails, putty, coloring, anything to keep my hands busy.