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How can I stop this before it gets bad?

orangeShade5138 April 7th, 2015

I haveTrichotillomania, a disorder where you compulsively pull out your own hair. It started about three years ago, went away, and then came back a year ago. I am essentially bald and I wear a hat all the time so people don't see my head. It's what I do when I'm bored, stressed, sad, even happy. I pull out my hair. Recently, though, things got worse and I'm pretty sure that my parents are going to get divorced. My mom kicked my dad out three weeks ago, and now he's living in a hotel. I guess because of all the added stresses, I cut myself last night. It bled, but it wasn't very deep. I think I'm going to do it again, and I want to know how I can stop before it becomes a habit.

Sunrise110 April 7th, 2015

Here is a great link for an online support group that you may find useful. I also suggest browsing the listeners where you can find someone specific to your needs. Best of luck:

orangeShade5138 OP April 7th, 2015

Thanks a lot.

orangeShade5138 OP April 7th, 2015

Thanks a lot.

Erynn April 8th, 2015

It sounds like you've been under a great deal of stress lately. It's probably going to be pretty hard to stop pulling out your hair and feeling compelled to hurt yourself, but there are certainly things you can do to work on stopping. Because Trich is an psychiatric illness and a compulsive behavior, you will probably benefit from seeing a therapist and/or psychiatrist about this - but I understand you may not be ready to take that step right now.

Whether or not you are getting professional support, there are many new coping skills you can learn about online and begin to practice in your daily life. It's a bit of a guessing game as far as what will help, and what wont, but it can be a good idea to choose 3 things to try, write them on a list, and then read that list and try one thing the next time you notice yourself pulling your hair or feeling like hurting yourself.

Here are some places to learn about healthy coping skills:

We have a Self Harm support guide on 7Cups that walks you through the 101 of self-harm and recovery.

This site here lays out most of the DBT and CBT skills that one would learn in therapy and provides explanations and links to articles, worksheets, and examples.

There are also support groups online, like that at

Andyoutuber Becky0 is a wonderful resource for Trich.

Ledzeppers784 June 2nd, 2015

Your not alone I believe I have it also, I draw on my eyebrows rip out my eyelashes and hair sometimes it can be bad and noticable.. it's embarrassing to explain why I know it's anxietiesand being scared. My Mother had alepechia my aunt also has tricimonosis, idk If I do it from stress or if it's hereditory I also bite my nails until I started putting fake ones on. My mother shared stories of her being bullied for having alepechia in highschool and thinking about it breaks my hearts just like anyone being treated unfairly. I hope people know I'm here to be supportive and help.

March 26th, 2017

i told my friend today about trich.

she says its self harm:(