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BFRD, have you heard of me? Anyone else?...

User Profile: TaintedHaze
TaintedHaze July 19th, 2016

BFRD is an acronym for Body Focused Repetitive Disorder

There are many specific types of BFRD, but I would like to share some things on the disorder that I personally face every day.

Excoriation Disorder.

Some basic background

"Since the DSM-5 (2013), excoriation disorder is classified as "L98.1 Excoriation (skin-picking) disorder" in ICD-10;[4] and is no longer classified in "Impulse control disorder" (f63)".

Excoriation disorder is defined as "repetitive and compulsive picking of skin which results in tissue damage."[3]

Its most official name had been Dermatillomania for some time. As of the release of the fifth Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders in May 2013, excoriation disorder is classified as its own separate condition under "Obsessive Compulsive and Related Disorders" and is termed "excoriation (skin-picking) disorder."

I have been dealing with this disorder for almost as long as I can remember. When I was younger I dealt with trichotillomania which lead to me pulling out single strands of hair until I had very noticable bald spots.. Not fun for a girl in 4th grade. I haven't dealt with that since, but I still pick my skin to smithereens. It's to the point where I am sometimes stuck, just picking at every piece of skin until it bleeds for hours. The skin around my nails is constantly being chewed off into a bloody mess. I hardly have acne at all, but sometimes I will sit there and sqeeze my pores for hours, regardless if anything is there, leaving scars and wounds.. It makes me that much more self concious. And THEN I end up picking at the scabs that I had made myself.. I also deal with self harm, which is a double whammy when your wounds are trying to heal and all you can do is pick every little scab off.. I know a lot of people bit their nails from time to time, even chew the skin a little, but there have been times when I will go to the bathroom while my boyfriend is waiting for me andif I look in the mirror and see even something that resembles a blemish, I will pick poke and prod, usually for 30 minutes until my face is either bleeding or severely irritated.. Walking out and knowing he sees how beat up I look is really difficult. I know he sees it, he tries not to point it out because he knows how self concious I am about it. I can't even look people in the face aftwerwards, I feel so ugly when I pick...

User Profile: Anomalia
Anomalia July 20th, 2016

@TaintedHaze - Thank you for opening up here about what you've been struggling with - it sounds like it can get pretty overwhelming. I wasn't familiar with the official name, but I've definitely heard of this and of the hair pulling piece in the past. What do you think helped you to stop pulling out your hair back as a child? Do you think that any of those same things could help you now as you try to break away from the skin picking?

I think another helpful thing can be tracking when it tends to be better or worse and finding patterns. For instance, are you more likely to do this at certain times of day, in certain places, after seeing certain people, etc.? Figuring out the triggers can make it easier to create a plan in advance for how to deal with those triggers without harming yourself.

User Profile: UltravioletWoolf
UltravioletWoolf August 18th, 2016

Hey. Better late than never, I guess.

I think I have Dermatillomania myself. Quite a long story to put out there. Just let me know if you want us to talk about it, share our experiences and tips and tricks to get through it.