Have you found a new band or artist recently?
Ooh yes, found Alex Goupil and Luke Baker recently. How about you?😮
A better question is how do you find new artists? What is on the radio does not interest me in any way.
If you have an answer to this also let me know how to find artists that don't abuse autotune.
I had this problem too even with XM that has hundreds of channels. What solved it for me was using a streaming service. Yes it costs money but it's worth it. I use YouTube music and as a bonus paying the fee also removes ads from YT videos. Once you sign up, load up a bunch of favorites and use the radio feature to make a music mix from stuff you already like, then aggressively upvote and downvote songs to teach it what you like.
Another alternative is to listen to radio online, I use radio garden (Google it). Then move the map around to different cities and try new stations. I found a really cool 80s new wave station this way. That station led me to probably 10 new songs that I love.
I love listening to bts
@NotFelixHere I came across this soothing melody and thought you might like it.
I Didn't Find Anything New But I Have Been Relistening To Nine Inch Nails It's Been A While Since I Last Played There Songs So It's Kinda Like Finding Them
i didn't recently find him, but i've recently listened to him a lot. His name is Mitch Welling but his artist name is flatsound. It gives me a feeling that's indescribable. i connect with it in such a way i cannot put it into words.
i really love his music. truly i do.
Yes, I found Buck Tick, The Altons
Song I like by them
Tangled up in you by The Altons
Kiss me Goodbye by Bucky tick (I LOVEEE THIS SONGG SMM)
Kagerou by Buck tick