Proud of myself because I'm not letting anything stop my dream.
I found out at the beginning of this year that I had the opportunity to live my dream. I was set to graduate college in the spring and move out of the country to begin teaching English which is exactly what I've always wanted to do. But in April, my depression came back in a big way and brought with it a fight with self harm. There were many times when I wondered if it was the best idea to leave the country in the midst of such turmoil, and in the end I took the leap. I had hoped I'd be in a better place before I left, but I wasn't. I'm still not, But I'm trying. I'm waking up every day because the kids I teach are worth staying alive for. I'm proud of myself because I didn't allow my mental illness to stop me from living my dream.
It is really hard for me to say what I am proud of myself of. I am really hard on myself. But I guess something I am proud of myself of is doing 7 cups. Helping people makes me feel good about myself