Master Badge and Work
I earned my Master Badge today. Pretty soon I will earn my second certification with 7 cups. I am so glad I started with 7 cups. It has help me to grow in the mental health field and I am still growing.
At work I got told today that I am one of our top agents. This made me feel really good too. I have only been with this job for a couple of weeks, but picked up quickly.
@Jessica80Moved this thread from Member Support to Listeners forum since it was more appropriate.
Congratulations! It is really nice to see that you enjoy your time here and see it as an opportunity to grow! I would recommend checking our Mentor page and perhaps chosing a Mentor to help guide you if you need help with ongoing chats or resources since that is probably the easiest and fastest way to grow on your journey here.
Also, great to hear that you are quickly making progress on your job too!
Heya @Jessica80
Seeing as Maku'salready given you all the great advice I'd just thought I'd stop by to say congrats! *high fives* Well done!
Congrats Jessica that's great! I'm waiting to hear back about mine right now *crosses fingers*
I'm so happy for you! That is wonderful!! I envy you for sure, I want to be seen as effective and quality at a potential work environment I may be in as well :) Keep up the good work!!