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New subscriber

User Profile: FuzzyHugsX0X0
FuzzyHugsX0X0 July 7th, 2021

Hello everyone. I have just joined the mindfulness community and I'm looking forward to getting in touch with my present, my surroundings and myself again.
I have been practicing mindfulness and grounding exercises for many years now, but Iately I have been struggling to keep my mind calm. I'm hoping I can regain my focus and control dissociation by practicing mindfulness with the help of this community.

User Profile: Asher
Asher August 14th, 2021

Welcome to the community, we are excited to have you here with us.

User Profile: exquisitePeace7976
exquisitePeace7976 December 24th, 2021


Great Post! Awesome to have you here.. Good energy to you on your journey here..