How to Activate Your Inner Resources
Hey all,
I watched this video today and thought I would share it.
It is a couple of guided exercises that look at what inner resources are and how they relate to mindful living.
An excerpt from the article:
"Its not unusual to feel that the vital resources we need to live satisfying lives can be found in the outside world. This is certainly a constant trope for advertisers and marketers. Anyone who has experienced periods of depression or anxiety will also recognize the tendency to secure self-worth and wholeness through external gains and status. Few of us are immune to this siren song and when we let ourselves be guided to search externally we may overlook valuable capacities we already have. This video on cultivating inner resources for mindful living suggests what some of these capacities are and how they await our discovery through the simple act of paying attention." - Zindel Segal
Hope you enjoy, let me know what you think