What are examples of things that bring you back to the present moment?
Let’s get some ideas going of things that can bring our racing mind back to the present. One thing for me is to listen for sounds in my immediate environment. That could be an air conditioner or the sound of a car driving by.
Those are great suggestions @rationalApple577. I think visuals are helpful for me. I have a few glitter sticks that slowly change when you turn them over - sometimes I watch them when I feel anxious. Also just looking at the sky or trees :)
I have a large glitter stick like the ones you mentioned! They are relaxing.
Yes! They help so much!
Hum...ok, bring our racing mind back to the present, as opposed to when I dissociate and an alter may be out. Ok, big difference for me. I will concentrate on the question about the racing mind and bring me back.
For me, my mind is racing just when I an dealing with PTSD symptoms, and that involves a ton of anxiety and my mind is also racing all during this.
I try to focus on things around me, I focus on doing breathing techniques---the ones that work for me, I focus on knowing (as best as I can) that I am safe and foucus on knowing and telling myself that this will pass and that I have been focusing on past traumas/abuses and not present things.
Hello everyone
Thank you for your ideas....
I will look around my environment and find 5 things with my senses. Sometimes if I have one I will cut a lemon and bite into it. Usually works well. Thanks for the reminder to keep doing these.