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How to make a living from Mindfulness ?

Linux2022 August 11th

Hello everybody. Since now around 2 years on 7C, I had different phases to go through, as life offers on its own and depending on my mental and emotional needs I had very different use (and benefit) of 7C. Either for casual chatting, for facing other people's issues and learning from by reflecting about own life situation, or seeking for help.

The concept of "listening" I suppose is one of the anchor elements on 7C was very helpful ... and after 1.5 years of long-covid with fatignuess during 2021-2022, financial struggles in 2023 and health issues (I did water fastening for 2 months in 2023 to reduce 50% over weight, I managed at least to reduce to 25% = I lost 25 kg) I qualified on my own as 7C listener.

About the topic "how to make a living from it": I have looked during 2022-2023 for side hussles as financially with the recession we are going through (in my country), with drastically inflation (up to 50% increase of living costs) as result of pandemic and covid-19, and the Russia-Ukraine war, it needed for me another source of income. 

Not enough I had to fight as foreigner in a European country to get registered, against existing EU law, the local government was not willing to follow the law books. So I had to fight with a lawyer for my right and in 03/2024 I got my registration. Lately, I lost 3 months to start my own business, as planned for 12/2023. 

Why saying this all ? As it seems, the headline is very different ... Mindfulness came along my path at 7C first time, even I have visited a workshop/webinar over 6-8 weeks to learn more about end of 2022. 

Now I have a new legal business as company registered for "Content creation", which focusses on "mindfulness topics". - What a coincidence life offers. Isnt ?

To deal with any topic in life casually, as hobby, as amateur is always on a different page, right ? Starting as a horse rider, going into the stable and doing some rides, that something different than become a horse trainer professionally to have a living from and train other people in riding or take care for their horses. 

With professionalization, we have to face lots of different issues, from bureaucracy (e.g. licenced company, tax declarations) to (self) marketing and sales to customer care and much more (e.g. financing), its a huge workload to deal with. 

I hope to get a feedback here from others, if they also got the chance and did the step "from hobby to profession", and specifically about the aspect which is around "mindfulness". 

We face this topic now for more than 50 years, since its invention by Thich Nhat Hanh the "father of mindfulness", prolific author and peace activist, how was exiled from Vietnam in the 1960s after opposing the war and who demised in 2022. His book of the 70s "The Miracle of Mindfulness" laid the foundation for what we understand nowadays as "mindfulness", naturally with different impacts by modern sciences. (Rec.: If you want I can write a summary of that book. Feel free to leave a comment.)

In Europe (where I live) we have different qualification programs linked with Mindfulness:

Mindfulness-Based Professional Training Institute: This institute offers training programs in various locations, including Europe. They often collaborate with local organizations to provide MBSR teacher training.

European Institute of Mindfulness (EIM): Based in France, EIM offers MBSR teacher training and other mindfulness-related courses across Europe.

Mindfulness Network: This UK-based organization provides training for mindfulness teachers and offers various courses, including MBSR and Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT).

Universities and Research Centers: Many universities in Europe, such as the University of Oxford and the University of Exeter, offer mindfulness training programs and research initiatives related to mindfulness and mental health.

In USA exists the Mindfulness Research Center at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), which has collaborations and outreach programs in Asia, promoting mindfulness practices and training.

So obviously we have different options for a profession to link "Mindfulness" with "have a living from it". This fascinating topic for physical and mental well being gives us plenty of opportunities to learn, and it requires a specific way to communicate with the public and customers. "Health care" as service works different from most physical products.

I would like to share with you this experience and also support each other who are already working in this segment (or intend to start their own profession). Tks in advance for your comments and postings. 

Asher September 1st

Thank you for posting this and sharing your experience with us. 

competentTruth3079 3 days ago

@Linux2022 Appreciate your perspective on the introspective domains. A bit long winded like the jet stream but better more verbosity than less!

Now what's your dealings with Linux? A user or maintainer and what's your distro? Ubuntu has been loyal to me. 😹💯💫