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Coming out story

Rayofsunshine80 February 8th, 2022

I tried coming out to my parents back in 2008 . My parents think I am playing a game . I know I am not playing but it is like they don't respect my life . I have introduced them to my lovers and friends and everyone is like just playing around. I am female and when I bring women around my father he thinks it his time to flirt and my mother may be in the other room. This is the same with all the men that I have a love for they may not see it as disrespect but I do. I am trying to work something out where it would be ok with me loving a women and them having their own woman .I am a good woman who wants someone to love without all the distractions from my male counterpart persons. Does anyone have any suggestions for me. I wouldn't say that I hate men after all we do live in the same planet but how can I work this out . I know this my coming out story but I would like some suggestions. I still deal with the same family members and type of situations.

Rayofsunshine80 OP February 9th, 2022

I am a little nervous about talking to him about that because as a little girl he used to abuse me so it is like walking on egg shells around him. And when ever I try to talk up about something that concerns me that he may be doing that hurts me he rushes to check me in a mental institution hospital. He knows that I like women but he wants the women I deal with. I tried to be respectful by showing my family who I love and then the men like my brother and father wants to put the moves on my companion.