I came out to my friends and my partner about 2 years ago as trans ftm/pan/poly. Last year, I went from just he/him pronouns to he/they. But within the last week or so, it's become more and more obvious that something's not quite right with that. I used to be extremely upset by any other terms then someone called me a she/her ive always hated being called that but something in me liked that idk what to do i felt that i found myself but now i dont i feel like i just told everyone somthing im not and i feel like they will be upset if i just say i go by she/her..
Hi there~ It sounds like you're going through a difficult and confusing time right now. It's okay to feel unsure and to question things. Remember that your identity is valid and unique to you, no matter how you choose to present yourself or what pronouns you use. Totally understandable, that you may find something actually fits more than you thought before. 💜