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Supporting a Loved One Who Identifies as Belonging to the LGBTQIA+ Community


Supporting a loved one who identifies as belonging to the LGBTQIA+ community can be one of the most rewarding and transformative experiences. This journey of acceptance and love involves understanding and empathy. Here are some key steps and insights to help you support your loved one through their journey. 

Education is Important

The first step to being supportive is educating yourself about LGBTQIA+ identities. Understanding terms like lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer or questioning, intersex, asexual, and other identities can help you appreciate the diverse spectrum of human sexuality and gender. Numerous resources, including books, documentaries, and websites, can provide valuable information and perspectives and your loved one will feel like you value their gender identity. 

Listen and Affirm

When your loved one shares their identity with you, try to listen without judgment. This moment requires vulnerability on their part, and your response can significantly impact their sense of acceptance and belonging. Affirm their identity by using their preferred names and pronouns. Simple phrases like "I support you" or "I’m here for you" can be incredibly powerful for your loved one to hear. 

Create a Safe Space

Ensuring that your loved one feels safe and accepted is crucial. This includes both emotional and physical spaces. Encourage open conversations where they feel heard and respected. Advocate for their safety in all environments, including at home, work, school, and social settings.

Standing Against Unhelpful/Harmful Perspectives 

Standing up against homophobia, transphobia, and any form of discrimination is important for your loved one to feel safe. Your actions can help create a more inclusive society.

Be Patient and Open-Minded

Your loved one’s journey of self-discovery and acceptance may come with challenges. Be patient as they navigate their identity, and understand that it may evolve over time. Keep an open mind and heart, showing them that your love and support are unwavering.

Seek Support for Yourself

Supporting a loved one can sometimes be challenging, especially if you are unfamiliar with LGBTQIA+ issues. It’s okay to seek support for yourself. Feel free to share your experiences with a listener at 7 Cups, or with a therapist at 7 Cups, We also have a supportive LGBTQIA+ community here

Celebrate Their Identity

Celebrate the uniqueness of your loved one’s identity. Participate in LGBTQIA+ events like Pride parades, attend community meetings, and educate others about the importance of acceptance and inclusion. These acts of celebration reinforce your support and show your loved one that they are valued and loved for who they are.

Respect Their Privacy

Coming out is a deeply personal decision. Never disclose your loved one’s identity to others without their consent. Respecting their privacy is crucial in maintaining their trust and safeguarding their well-being.

Help Your Loved One Consider Professional Support From a Therapist

Sometimes, professional support from therapists or counselors who specialize in LGBTQIA+ issues can be beneficial. Encourage your loved one to seek help if they need it and be supportive of their mental and emotional health needs. We have many therapists at 7 Cups who specialize in LGBTQIA+ issues. We are holding a special AMA event at the end of the month and you can find out more here!

Stay Committed

Supporting a loved one no matter what they are going through is an ongoing process. Stay committed to learning, growing, and advocating. The world is constantly evolving, and so are understandings of gender and sexuality. Your continuous support can make a lasting difference in your loved one’s life.

🌈 What is one small step you could do to support yourself or a loved one on an LGBTQIA+ journey🌈

Photo by daniel james on Unsplash

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Heather225 June 27th


the support of those on the journey with you has a huge impact on the shape the journey takes. the particular point on being patient and open-minded is essential because identity shifts and evolves quite a bit. i know it did for me, and the compassion of my partner really made the difference in my confidence in finding myself.

thanks for sharing your wisdom, Lisa!

LisaMeighanMScGMBPsS OP June 28th


It is so wonderful to hear what helped you H and having the support of those around us can really mean so much and no matter what an individual is going through having someone there who is open-minded and patient can make a huge difference. Your partner sounds amazing! :)

It makes a lot of sense that you mentioned identity shifts and changes and I can imagine having someone by your side while you learn more about yourself is so comforting. Thank you for sharing as I think it is always so useful to hear different perspectives and experiences! 

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