Sexual identity crisis because of my ex-gf.
Hello, I'm 21f and have been doubting my sexual identity since my ex girlfriend cheated on me in unclear circumstances and eventually left me to explore her sexuality with men. To make a long story short, we were together for three years and out of the blue she told me she wanted to have sexual experiences with men, so I thought I'd try to be open and accept it, but it just destroyed me. She left me in the end, and now I'm stuck wondering if I shouldn't try anything too, only because I'm comparing myself to her. I feel a lesbian at heart but all this is just confusing me and making me forget who I am. Anybody in the same situation or having thoughts about this wanting to share and discuss this?
@LittleSodo hi neighbour ❤
@charmingLime5060 I'm not in the same situation, but I wanted to stop by and give you a giant tiny hug ❤❤squeezes you tightly ❤ I'm asexual I think. It doesn't really matter what our sexuality is, and it's ok to be confused. Maybe just give yourself some time to get over the relationship, so you can think clearly. Be true to who you are, and don't let anyone tell you otherwise ❤❤ I'm sorry about your relationship, I hope your ok? ❤
Like you, I feel I am a lesbian too but in my case, I feel it is too hard to meet women.
So, I am living with a man now. It is not ideal but it helps with the loneliness. We have a lot of love for each other, but the sex is not good. I suspect many lesbians are living with men for similar reasons. It is hard to adjust successfully to being a lesbian. Only a few find happiness.