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Questioning sexuality

Hey guys, I’m a 20 year old girl and this is the first time I’ve questioned my sexuality. I hadn’t seen a picture of a naked woman until now, but I felt aroused. Looking at bikini pictures don’t do anything for me but when they’re naked I feel aroused. I can’t imagine myself dating, doing anything sexually, or marrying a woman, only a man. I have never had crushes on women and only men. I am confused about my sexuality, any advice or help? 

It has been causing me a lot of stress, I’ve done quizzes, I’m constantly thinking about it, and searching photos up to reassure myself but it hasn’t been helping 

Aayla July 29th
@intellectualKite2066 I understand how confusing it can be to go through this questioning, so take all the time you need and remember that you don't necessarily have to label your feelings, but if you want to, you can do it in small steps. Your orientation is simply what you feel you are, no one else can determine what your orientation is, only you.
Experiencing arousal about women might indicate that you are not straight, but if you want to be sure, feel free to explore your fantasies further and analyze how you physically and emotionally respond to different scenarios with women, both sexual and romantic. Maybe you can't imagine yourself in certain situations because you've been brought up to believe it's "strange" and you can't wrap your head around it. Take some time to get used to the idea, and if you still don't feel comfortable about it, than you'll make your considerations.