Lgbt dealing with religion
I discovered I’m a lesbian this year, but I’ve been raised in church my hole life, my hole family is Christian or Catholic and hate lgbt ppl. The problem is that I was very active in church and I like the things there, I don’t want to stop of being Christian…but I can’t hear more preaching about gays and stuff, every time I hear one, I think about just never coming out and pretend I’m straight my hole life(Good luck babe from Chappel roan haunts me) I know that I can’t be in religion if I’m a lesbian, but I don’t want to leave like this, i just want some opinions I think. I still think the Bible is right, and my subconscious is just driving me crazy with nightmares that I’m going to ***, I kinda believe I am going too…I just want opinions, how do you guys deal with that?
Yeah, I know they only like the idea of me, actually thats something I think too much. All the persons that I love, my family, my relatives, ppl that I see like sisters and brothers, that had grow up with me, only know this fake perfect version that created for them. I don’t really have someone to give me support if I come out, and even that I try to believe I’m not a sin, I fail and hate this feelings again. I don’t know if I love Jesus or if I just want to be someone I’m not, so they can love me, but I’ll try to figure this out when I turn 18. I feel like I’m living my life for the others since I was born, and I don’t want to pretend to be straight anymore. You’re right I can no longer pretend…
@Amymimy2711 hii I was also raised in a Christian family and I consider myself a Christian now even though I'm not very dedicated, I also agree with the bible's principles and I am very scared of going to *** sometimes because of the way it is brought up and forced onto us when we are literal children... I know there are like LGBTQ churches in America and I believe that the hate and discrimination/prejudice Christians have on LGBTQ is not what Jesus would do and that we should accept them with open hearts. Like this sounds kinda mean but there are people in the church who have done drugs (but are now sober), and Christians are meant to accept murderers like Saul/Paul in the Bible who changed his ways so why is there so much discrimination towards LGBTQ? But I know Jesus accepts us as we are and that Christians have done some horrible things in the past and this may be one of them. Keep believing what you want to believe and I'm praying that your family accepts you for who you are or you find good friends that do because you deserve that. It sounds horrible to be a fake perfect version around your family, the very people that are supposed to support you and the people you're supposed to be the most comfortable with. Also my cousin who I'm really close with was lesbian too and she hasn't told her mother yet because her mother is a christian, so people really are experiencing this everywhere. Hope the best for you!!
@Amymimy2711 You idiot, we're in the same boat! I aint gonna write more cause you already have the other long *** paragraphs but we can chat more about it if ya want.
PS - Bisexual idiot who is an atheist but still goes to church and tries to reconnect with God <3