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Hey everybody,

johnberry December 21st, 2023

"I am gay and currently living in the Middle East, specifically in Turkey. Though it's not a bad place for open living, there are times when I struggle and feel lonely. I have a partner, three dogs, and cats. Together with my partner, we run a yoga studio, and many of our customers and close acquaintances, including our families, know about us. However, due to the societal attitudes towards LGBT issues and sexuality in Turkey, it's challenging to be completely open about these topics in public. This restriction leads to fear, sometimes making me feel extremely lonely and trapped in a cycle of fearful thoughts. I constantly create scenarios in my mind about the future. Recently, due to these concerns, along with financial pressures and the obligation of military service, my anxiety has escalated, leading to mild twitching in my right eye for the past week. I have many things to be grateful for, like my wonderful family, friends, pets, and business, but sometimes it doesn't seem enough. My worries feel like they are taking over."

Bunnylovesyou December 22nd, 2023


Hi! I'm sorry to hear your country isn't very accepting. We often find that a lot don't we? it doesn't seem very fair. I'm sorry it has pushed you to the point of worrying the way you have been. We can't make any guarantees for the future. It's not promised to be bad but I understand. Anxiety is very hard to deal with. I would maybe try talking to your partner about it. Let them know your fears and anxieties, no matter how insignificant or irrational they may seem to you. They will be able to help you more than I can. And I hope you know that 7cups is always here to support you, whether in the LGBTQ room or from our 1-on-1 listeners <3


johnberry OP December 22nd, 2023

Thank you for this beautiful answer. Having read your profile, I also thank you on behalf of everyone for the wonderful support you've given to many people's lives. I will listen to the advice you've given. You've provided a very beautiful perspective. Have a easy going weekend for you, with my besy wishes ✨️

Bunnylovesyou December 22nd, 2023


Thank you so much 💖 it's an honor to help people like you every day 💖 

If you ever need anything just tag me @bunnylovesyou I a forum and I'll reply asap 

Warmest regards, 
