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Forever alone?

chriss93 December 25th, 2023

I’ve spent years trying to deal with probably being bi? But at 18 I, as a woman was with a guy so I tried to ignore the issue because it didn’t matter anymore? At 23 we were married so continue ignoring the probability. By 26 we separate, 27 we are divorced and now I’m 30 still struggling with how to come out as bi so late. Wondering is this too late? I see stories of people realising so much later but who really wants to help the late comer figure it all out when most people my age have been out for so long?

December 25th, 2023

@chriss93 You might be adding unnecessary stress. You’re where you are right now backward time travel isn’t a thing. Not being certain of many things is just the human condition. You’re 30 not 90. You have time only one path in time. Breath. Love yourself. 

December 25th, 2023

@FlatenedByLife * You have time and only one pathway, forward in time.

chriss93 OP December 25th, 2023

This is where I’m trying to be. I’m a massive overthinker and should probably have said the person I was married to was very homophobic so it’s taken those last few years to get to accepting this part and coming out to a few choice people. It’s a slow process but one I’m working to be more all round accepting of myself. That’s not to say I’ve not been accepting of everyone else who’s come out in my life but accepting that part in myself has been difficult and something I’m struggling to suppress any long. I have a relatively homophobic work environment aswell so finding a balance while also trying to be myself has been difficult. Apologies a few festive drinks have got me feeling a little more willing to open up where people don’t know me

December 25th, 2023

@chriss93 I’ve found grounding myself in my body with mindfulness practice really great for keeping me in the here and now. Meta meditation has been really helpful for developing a sense of self love. Try to let go of what the world and homophobes say - they are caught in their own shi7 and pain. Imagine how improvised they must be with their skyward nose in everyone else’s business. You are beautiful. You are a beautiful miracle. Enjoy the festivities and cocktails - happy holidays! 🎄😊