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what to do as a tiny trans male? (FTM)

TheArtistSystem May 14th

TW: wight and body talking!!( @Sompo2402 )

So I am a transgender boy (FTM) and I'm quite small for a 16 y/o. I'm 5'5 and 93.4 lbs (as of last night 5/13/24) and I am VERY pattie I'm small for a human- barely any muscle on me... but being small and looking feminine as heck yes I am a femboy but I mainly wear masc clothes or oversized hoodies and basketball shorts... I do have a small chest size (breast wise) I get anxious when I have to go out in public at times because I do get weird stares sometimes.. 

yes, I do have pink hair

No, I do not bind yet 

Yes, my parents accept me 
Yes, I am safe and I know how to defend myself if I need to!

No, nobody has tried anything (yet)

CheeryMango May 21st

It sounds like you're navigating a lot as a transgender boy, and it's understandable to have concerns about your appearance and how others perceive you. It's great that your parents accept you and that you feel safe and confident in defending yourself if needed. If you ever feel uncomfortable or anxious in public due to stares or judgment, know that it's not about you—it's about others' ignorance or lack of understanding.

PoisonedCherry May 22nd

@NoahAnimates added you to the list of trans men that are still taller than Kevin Hart lmao no but fr short cis guys exist and if/when you start t you'll gain some weight too and start to look more masc. My best friend is a trans guy and is only 4"11 so trust me you're not alone