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Lets turn this phrase around🌈

Hey rainbow land 💜

one of my favorite things that we have done as a community is turning some words and phrases around

for example the word queer had been used as an insult towards us for a long while until we managed to turn it around and make it a well liked umbrella term for our community in the most loving way

one of the transphobe go to phrases is «i can tell»

There is almost always a comment saying well i can still tell you are a girl/a boy under every post a trans or nonbinary person makes on the internet

the funny part is, no they cant even tell (: 

they be accidentally making the most gender affirming comment sometimes😂

but now there is a trend going on in some social media with the hashtag #icantell

What we do is we start a sentence with this phrase and continue it with a wholesome, supportive, loving opinion/observation about the person 

so lets hop on this trend, shall we

Think of a trans or nonbinary person you know either in real life, in cups or a content creator you love

What is something you can tell about them? 



Sarinn with super fun and creative ways to hold supportive spaces always!💜

I can tell you are a kind-hearted hooman, with how compassionately you interact with people and always go out of your way to ensure they feel seen and valued as they are! You are what this world needs more of! 💜

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User Profile: Listeningsarinn
Listeningsarinn OP Saturday


hey heyy sun you awesome being! 💜

glad you like the idea, i’ve been enjoying every post on this trend on my social media so i thought we might as well bring it to cups

and thats so soooo kind of you +~+

1 reply

@Listeningsarinn hehe some social media trends are amazing lol! And heyyy, right back at youu! 💜_💜

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