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I Don't Know What I Am

User Profile: TheeBoy
TheeBoy August 28th, 2024

Posted this on Reddit to no response so maybe it's just a me thing and I need professional help but let's see.

I'm a young chap and I'm used to lying for attention. It sounds bad and it is, I don't know why I do it but I do. I lie so much I start to believe my own lies. With that being said, I didn't technically lie this time I don't think. I accidentally told my friend I was bisexual when I meant to say "I think I'm bi". It's harder to come out than I thought. Regardless, I can't tell the difference between guys and girls anymore and I don't know why. I think I have a "crush" on like 3 guys and I forget how to walk when I'm near them but I don't know if it's just confirmation bias. Honestly, no one has been attractive to me in these past few days and I don't even have a sexual drive anymore. I'm confused and I've literally been fighting with myself inside my own head on where I actually like guys or if it's just a confirmation bias. I need help.

User Profile: fruityHoliday63
fruityHoliday63 September 3rd, 2024


The self-exploration phase and the self-discovery phase are indeed very confusing times in life until you get to the conclusion part and realise your own identity but it's fulfilling and rewarding in the end. I'm sure you'll slowly find out. But regardless of whether you're a bi or hetero, being a good person is all that matters most. 

User Profile: IsaSilver
IsaSilver September 19th, 2024

Hi Thee,

While I do not think I am a pathological liar, I have lied in the past for sure. One of the things that can help you stay grounded is if you unrelentingly seek out evidence for each thing you believe.

If you indeed have such a crush on these guys, can you see yourself professing your love for them? How does that make you feel? And if one of them responded by kissing you on the lips, does that make you feel excited? Or will you feel shy about it instead? Or maybe you suddenly felt disgusted by it? Paying attention to yourself and other evidence will likely help you find where your heart lies. Good luck!~

User Profile: Onyx000
Onyx000 September 19th, 2024

@TheeBoy try to be kind to yourself . Your aware you just need some connection