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1-1 PM outreach 🍟 Roles Discussion

User Profile: ouiCherie
ouiCherie August 23rd, 2023

Hi everyone,

The 1-1 PM outreach is usually a task in Project Agent (PA) role but also can be done by other roles.

In essence, the task is to reach out to people to share information about a team/project/program and invite anyone who might be interested to join/participate.

In the past, I've tried this task a couple of times with different roles and different teams. I noticed that reaching out to others was not as enjoyable when I lacked a complete understanding of what I was doing.

However, when I had a good grasp of the team, project, or program I was representing while reaching out, I loved doing it. In fact, it is one of my favorite volunteering activities here.

What I liked about the task:

  1. I met new people and had some short, friendly, heartwarming, interesting chats.
  2. I found it similar to cold calls/cold emails. Trialled and errors different editorials and observed different responses. It's oddly interesting to me.



  1. If you ever took or are taking 1-1 PM outreach task, what are the pros and cons you found?
  2. If you ever took or are taking the task, what would make this task easier and more enjoyable to do?

PS: Currently, I am not interested in adding more tasks, so kindly refrain from reaching out to me about it βœŒπŸ»πŸ˜…

User Profile: CalmRosebud
CalmRosebud August 23rd, 2023


Bahahahaha, I loved the P.S. as that's exactly where I'm at in my life. I'm totally lacking in ambition as far as roles and so on, I love what I do (Gratitude Circle and Sharing Circle) and chatting with a few people I like, and then occasionally following some passion, like organizing a party for someone I like or doing someone a favor by writing on some topic or another, or picking up one or two "needs reply" from one of the forums. But I don't like being put in a box or titles much, and never was one for authority figures, nor do I like cold calling or routine bureaucratic tasks, so what I'm doing suits me just fine. Just wanted to mention, though, that I loved your P.S. in the tiny little typeface. Nota bene, note well, Oui Cherie is not soliciting anymore tasks at the moment. Hugggggs.

Love and Courage, Tas

1 reply
User Profile: ouiCherie
ouiCherie OP August 23rd, 2023


Superb! A prove that the community is somewhat an 'ecosystem'.

People come with each of their own uniqueness, and different interests and passions. Uniform sounds boring after all xD.

Helping with whatever they can, enjoy and with resources available (time, energy, etc) to create this kind and supportive space like no other πŸ™Œ

Gratitude Circle and Sharing Circle help and lift up so many people. I'm glad you're enjoying helping them ✨️

Thank you for the cool response, Tas 😊🩡

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User Profile: Franto
Franto August 23rd, 2023


Maybe you like some ideas for future projects we can do? :)