Talking to myself
2025 is here you survived 2024. Yes, this year coming up will be hard.
You know you need help please keep taking steps to get it on. Does not matter if they are big steps like reaching out for professional help or posting a thread on 7 cups accepting that your current path is not working.
You did amazing in 2024. You finally came to terms with the fact your marriage was not a healthy relationship. You got out of the relationship and have been out for over 6 months now. Yes your mental health is still not were it should be but it is better then it has been in years. You are seeing a doctor to work on your physical health. You took a woman’s empowerment program. I’m so proud of you and how far you have come.
You still have a ways to go. You need to eat, sleep, smile, laugh (yes I said smile and laugh you need to work on it all physical, mental, and spiritual).
If you are not ready to reach out for personal professional help maybe try to find the correct chat for a thread asking for help to be able to concentrate and focus while at work (working on the above things would help too) tackle what you can when you can. Things will get so much worse if you lose your job.
you have come this far do not give up now.
I love you.
Yes, this is all well and good to work on your mental health. Now put down the phone and go make supper it is almost 7pm you need to eat. You need to eat properly or the doctor will not look past it to see what else might be wrong it does not matter if you symptoms exist when you eat well and when you don’t.