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Never alone

affectionateSea5938 March 27th

When I rise it’s you

When I lay me down to sleep it’s you

Till the moment I draw my last breath it’s you

for it’s goodbye by world as we have our cries

but when I open my eyes I will rise to meet your

eyes for knowing when God splits those eastern

skies we will say our hi’s for my friend there will be no

more goodbyes in which on those hills we will watch

the sunrise but till then I close my eyes to realize

this is not the end but a dawning of a new day

so God let me honor you with eyes for though I feel

alone at times that I am never truly alone when you walk

bye my side

kindHug676 March 27th


This poem really moved me, it was beautifully written, I felt the emotion behind the words whether its pain or joy, this poem is very relatable to all those who read it

kindHug676 March 27th


alone at times that I am never truly alone when you walk

bye my side

This is the quote I like best, because we are never truly alone with "you" alongside