Wisdom From A Panda
Hey everyone,
I'm not really sure where I should post it, so I'm posting it here. I thought about starting a forum post where people can ask me about various topics and I can discuss what I think about it and give you my insight. It was inspired by something my friend asked me. I'll post an example here of what I want this blog to be on and it will be based on what my friend asked and how I answered.
Hey Manda. Do you have any advice for accepting yourself, forgiving yourself and moving on?
What a beautiful question, love.
In order to heal and forgive and accept and let go, we must take an honest and compassionate look at ourselves. Allow yourself to go through the experience of grieving anything you feel like you've lost (by lost I do not only mean death but alsothings that are the image of who you think you are). Let all emotions surface and just move through you. Whatever the loss , let yourself be raw in response to the feelings you may face in response to them. Allow the emotional energy to surface and pass through. Know it will pass and the pain you are facing doesn't define who you are. If you aren't in the space for this but it feels like it needs to happen, find a quiet space and journal whatever you are feeling. Open yourself up to your emotions.
When you think of what you have been through that you have not found forgiveness for,what is the story you are telling yourself of what happened? Write it down, as though you were telling someone what occurred but so far you have been the only audience for this account. Not what you think you should be telling yourself but what you actually have been keeping inside when no one else is listening. Look at it honestly. If the story isn't full of compassion, respect, gentleness, and understanding of where you are and where you have been , try to rewrite it form a higher perspective. While we can't change our past we can rewrite our stories and make them true to what we want them to be. Reread the new and truer version of the story until it's in your mind and you do not remember the old story. When the old story arises remember to tell yourself "That's not what happened. What happened was..." and show yourself the love you deserve.
We are perfect in process and not a product. We can have such high expectations and be more critical of ourselves than we would ever be of someone else. Moving into the present moment after letting go of the past, we can embrace ourselves on a deeper level and realize that we are whole and we have always been.. that we can stand in our own shoes by ourselves and feel such a deep strength inside and so much respect. You can experience that love that resonates through all of you to your core.
Tell yourself the story about who you really are.
Well... that was enough Panda Wisdom for a day. I am sending you all love from my heart to yours <3 If you want to hear my wisdom on certaintopics just post so below and I will try to reply <3