To be a soldier
I'm writing in order to extend a hand to other soldiers, vets and family of soldiers.
I recently got out of the army not long ago, and for the last 4 years i strongly identified myself as being a soldier. For a moment accept the idea, of a total and massive identity crisis.
These feeling quicklychanged to depression and a slight case of anxiety. My therapistbroke down my problems with me and i came down to a few basic questions.
What was there before the army, What did the army add. and lastly WHAT NOW.
After running down the list and working on my tad of PTSD - experience of war isnt so pretty- I found that i can keep going on. I can be strong!
I want you guys to know, regardless of what you went though that there is hope, dont let the sadness over take you. Use being a soldier to make you stronger!
If you need to talk you can find me (SoldierSam) and i will be glad to help you out
I'm so glad to know that you are here to help others! Although I may never have been in the military, a very important person in my life was and it truly is devastating: not only for him, but for family members as well.
Thank you for everything you did and thank you for everything you will be doing. You truly are wonderful for wanting to help others. Sending lots of love and hugs your way!<3