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Can you please please help me?

gwenPhoenix004 November 15th, 2020

Hi. I am Sreg, 16, a girl.

Last night I was trying to make a prank call on two friends. I could not succeed in the first go as she caught me. and for the second person whom I called, everything went kinda wrong.

Suppose my second friend's name is Lina

Lina has a good friend abroad and they know each other for a few days now. so i changed my username as the foreign friend's username and prank called her. But I could not say anything so I cut the phone just after it rang because I remembered how Lina hates this kind of thing so much that she has already lost some friends.

Lina posted a story stating that she wanted to know who was doing this kind of shitty prank calls. She was furious. The friend I had called before texted Lina and told her that it could be me. So Lina asked me.

I LIED! I told her repeatedly that it wasn't me and I asked my other friend to shut up about the shit and forget it all and never mention anything about this to anyone.

Actually, I am not really used to lying. And I hate myself so much when I lie. And especially to LINA! I have a major crush on her and I just hate it to lie to her. I really wanna tell her the truth, face to face! But due to the pandemic lockdown, that is not possible. I am sure that if I call her to tell her the truth and ask her to forgive me, she is gonna drop a bomb on me because she is a VERY HOT HEADED PERSON. But I love her so much, I don't wanna lose her. She has gotten close to me for the past few months during the lockdown but she is so impatient and hot-headed and she will be really disappointed in me if she knows that this is all my fault. She was very upset about the prank call. she was so angry and I can't remember feeling this miserable ever!

faithlove1111 November 18th, 2020

@gwenPhoenix004 , I am glad you understand and have become aware of the perils of prank calls. Sometimes it could land you in a serious situation with the law.

Yes.. I can understand how you feel about having lied to your friend. The guilt can be uncomfortable especially if itis a close friend. It would linger around whenever you talk to her . Have you thought about writing a letter to her or an email to explain how you feel and why you lied to her. Also tell her how much you value your friendship and appreciate her.