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Calm in the Storm (TW, just in case)

lightningstorm44 July 22nd, 2022

Might as well start this thing up I guess. Would be nice to share my thoughts and stuff somewhere. Commentary is welcome by anyone who wants to.

lightningstorm44 OP July 22nd, 2022


Honestly feeling kinda bleh this morning. Lots to do, feels like there's not enough time. Putting on the brave face is getting exhausting. Y'know the old meme...


Me. Pretty much daily... World's on fire? Yup, this is fine. This is normal... I'm so tired. I guess at least the flashbacks and nightmares are getting better. Switching is getting easier again after almost a year (I have DID). So... Little victories, even while it seems like everything else is burning down around me.

I have a little one with special needs, and getting him set up with proper care is proving to be a right pain. The waiting list is long, and while my housemates have been absolute angels with helping me care for him since I'm easily triggered by loud noises and sudden movements (he will shriek and screech when he doesn't get what he wants, throws things, etc.), we've been basically doing this by ourselves for five months with no professional help.

I'm really struggling here to maintain myself, like to the point where I've considered calling social services and just unloading and explaining it all. We have an appointment with his pediatrician this afternoon, so I'm honestly praying that she might have some insight here because I swear I am at wit's end with that kid. I love him to bits, but giving him the care that he so desperately needs is getting harder and harder, to the point where I'm nearly non-functional most days unless I'm hiding in my bedroom. I'm just grateful that my housemates are understanding and supportive.

*sigh* Think I'm gonna take my tired self back to bed for a few hours... Hopefully my brain will get that little bit of extra time to reset that it needs... Hopefully.