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EnbyBubble May 4th, 2023

So, i started a thread a while ago, and through lack of impulse control i invited more and more people into it, which made me uncomfortable, because this is my life without a filter.
i share poetry and poetry slams and all kinds of other tangled words in here, feel free to read but please take the trigger warnings seriously.

Most of my stuff is about Eating Disorders at the moment, i hope that if you do relate, it helps you to cope, just like it helps me, with my thoughts. Sometimes it's easier to sort through them when writing them down, or reading something related.


i hope you will be ok.

EnbyBubble OP May 4th, 2023

TW: Eating Disorders, please do not read any further if this is a topic that might trigger you today. i wish you a good day, here's how mine usually goes.

Another Day

The usual day starts with starving
Sometimes with the thought ‘maybe an apple can’t hurt’
But then I remember the numbers, remember that an apple isn’t breakfast,
it’s a whole meal, a forbidden dessert
So the hunger comes back, carving
A hole in my stomach, poison in my brain
How much longer will all these thoughts last?
How long until the poison reaches every part of my body
Making it wilt and break, but isn’t that what I want?
Isn’t that the reason I let the poison sink in, why I’m going through that pain?

The evening is almost here, maybe I eat a piece of fruit, but
What about the rest? I can’t just throw that away
So I take the whole thing, prepare it, I cut
It into tiny pieces and take hours until it’s gone
But now that I started to eat, I can’t just be done
And I don’t care about the guilt
That’s taking over my whole mind,
I go to the store, I’m making a wall out of cake
I’ll take all unsafe foods, go on and build
My own cage, I’m drowning, choking on the flour I use to bake

And it’s night, dark as death,
I can’t ignore the guilt and self-hatred
I’m starting to panic, I need to get rid of the food
Like every day I thought recovery works, this day I’m doing good
But it’s all a lie. Thoughts tear me apart, from different directions
I’m shaking, where is my breath?
How did I end up in the bathroom again?
And why is this pain, the emptiness, the thing making me feel whole?
No answers anywhere, am I going insane?
Why is my life ruled by choices of foods, and number restrictions?
Why do I feel like a puppet someone toys with, just out of control?

- Bubble 💭

EnbyBubble OP August 30th, 2023

TW: Loneliness, Managing Emotions


You know my facade, the character that I built
Just for you, so you wouldn’t hate
Who I really am, a dead flower, that was starting to wilt
Long before you even knew me
I made sure, that everything you ever see
Is flawless, cause what if I’m not perfect
I know I’m broken, and I don’t deserve it
To be treated so kindly
All I wanted was to be okay
In your eyes, but my efforts came too late

I think I hurt you, and I’m sorry
I just didn’t want you to worry,
But by protecting you, I caused you pain
I know that now, wish I had seen it back then
I just want us to be like before, dancing in the rain
Do you even remember that time, when
We were there for each other, no questions asked
I should have known, it was too good to last
All I deserve is this loneliness
Maybe it wouldn’t hurt, had I just cared a little less

You say we’re still friends, that you care,
But if that is the case, why are you never there
Why is it easier for you to meet
All those new friends, why am I a bother
When just a year ago I felt like a brother
To you, where does all this lead
I thought I meant something to you, mattered,
But then how can you just “forget”
That you wanted to see me, and “sorry, I had plans” is all I get
Leaving me behind, like broken glass, shattered

- Bubble 💭
EnbyBubble OP November 9th, 2023

I just want to leave. I don't even have the strength to write in rhymes and rhythms, so there you go, nothing of high quality to see here. 

TW: Eating disorders, death, please do not read any further if these topics might trigger you.


I want to stop eating, I want to wither, see my hair falling again
You know, like flower petals, wilting, flying away, not yellow, but dark brown
I want to watch my skin get dry, as I stop taking in water
Like the plant on my windowsill, dead and dry, because I didn’t give it any liquid

But dandelions don’t die. You can cut them down, they’ll come back
Breaking the asphalt, to turn their heads toward the sun
You pull one out, ten more will reappear, stronger than before
No matter how hard they throw me back, I always reappear, like that damned dandelion