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Translation Group: Chinese (Simplified)

User Profile: Heather225
Heather225 March 16th, 2020



Are you fluent in this language? Check out this post!

User Profile: Heather225
Heather225 OP March 17th, 2020



User Profile: Heather225
Heather225 OP March 20th, 2020

Removing Mandarin and adding you to this group!



User Profile: WendinCaring
WendinCaring March 20th, 2020

Okie dokie.

User Profile: Shirley7Cups
Shirley7Cups March 24th, 2020

We have done all nonsupportguide translation. Would you like to have meetings to proof the sentences?

@BrightEarth5169 @Outofthewind @FaithAmelie @AYellowCloset @RockSugar98 @Shirley7Cups @AddictedTealover98 @CountingStarsCathy @uniqueOcean72 @Heather225

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User Profile: AddictedTealover98
AddictedTealover98 March 24th, 2020

@Shirley7Cups I‘m free whenever but would like to know when to do it together too since most of us is in the same timezone(?) and Im helping translating malay so 🤣

Do what you love to do, not what you're supposed to do ~Tea

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User Profile: Shirley7Cups
Shirley7Cups March 25th, 2020

@AddictedTealover98 I guess it's good if we are lots of people in the same time zone! It seems like the POEidor has been updated, and you can translate the new words!

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User Profile: AYellowCloset
AYellowCloset March 28th, 2020

Current progress: the team Chinese Simplified has been coordinating with Chinese Traditional, and has been using Google Dashboard to discuss and polish fuzzy sentences. For obvious reasons, I know that accessing Google Dashboard might be difficult for some of our fellow translators here. Feel free to PM me if you need support on this issue, or feel free to reply here if you have other ideas or alternatives (ensuring that anonymity is not sacrificed).

@BrightEarth5169 @Outofthewind @FaithAmelie @AYellowCloset @RockSugar98 @Shirley7Cups @AddictedTealover98 @CountingStarsCathy @uniqueOcean72 @WendinCaring @Violiness

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User Profile: Shirley7Cups
Shirley7Cups March 28th, 2020


If anyone can't use google, you may pm @Heather225 and ask her what you can do. I understand it may be a problem for some people if they are from China

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User Profile: SoulfullyAButterfly
SoulfullyAButterfly April 1st, 2020

Welcome to:


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User Profile: nightlockbound
nightlockbound April 1st, 2020

@SoulfullyAButterfly Thank you! I will do my best (:

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User Profile: Shirley7Cups
Shirley7Cups April 1st, 2020

@nightlockbound good to hear!

User Profile: SoulfullyAButterfly
SoulfullyAButterfly April 1st, 2020

@nightlockbound we are glad to have you join us! Please know that you can post in this thread or PM me for support.

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User Profile: nightlockbound
nightlockbound April 2nd, 2020

@SoulfullyAButterfly Thank you so much! Will keep that in mind (:

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User Profile: SoulfullyAButterfly
SoulfullyAButterfly April 2nd, 2020

A warm welcome to:



Thank you for joining us!

User Profile: nightlockbound
nightlockbound April 2nd, 2020



Welcome welcome! laugh

User Profile: Shirley7Cups
Shirley7Cups April 17th, 2020

Chinese Team Meeting on 17 April at Translation Team Room
出席者:AddictedTealover98, WendinCaring, ATellowCloset, CountingStarsCathy, SoulfullyAButterfly, Shirley7Cups
1. 我们决定改用石墨文档来方便大家联系, 为QQ dashboard在注册帐号的时候有点不方便,而且石墨文档只要其中一个人注册了,其他人不用注册也能编辑。连结我会在之后统一发送给大家,大家请尝试在Dashboard留言,确保是否能使用。
2. 我们新增一页dashboard是放所有要统一成什么中文字的字词,会用英文a-z顺序排列,请在proofread的时候务必查看。
3. proofreading的方法:如果这个句子没有问题, 就在POEidor对应的comment里发送「done」,代表 已经看过而且没有问题,两位或以上的人也写done,代表这句就是没问题,可以按剔(toggle proofread translation);如果有问题的句子, 可以把这句放过来dashboard,然后在POEidor把这句按fuzzy,之后说 想怎改或是有什么问题,当大家对这句翻译有共识并更改之后,也可以直接按剔。有些英文句子可能大家会非常困惑,可以在dashboard表达,如果大家也不知道该怎么翻译,就把全行用橙色 示,Shirley7Cups会直接问Heather,当有答覆会尽快通知大家。当问题解决了,请在dashboard里隐藏整行和在POEidor取消fuzzy,以方便大家的工作。另外,请各位translators在POEidor的account setting里Notifications on Comments点击 「None」,不然 就会收到极大量email !
4. 我们的目 是在5月或6月完成繁体中文的proofreading,之后再开始proofread简体, 为这 可以减省功夫,到时候只需要改字眼即可。
5. 我们之后不会再translation team room举行group discussion, 为各人的时差或时间不方便,所以会用dashboard进行check-ins。
6. 由于时间关系,我们暂时还没分工,ATellowCloset帮忙在dashboard问了,但我也会pm大家查询。
@Shirley7Cups @Violiness @artemisbenabese @chickenlittle121@AddictedTealover98 @WendinCaring @ATellowCloset @nightlockbound @uniqueOcean72 @Outofthewind @FaithAmelie @RockSugar98 @CountingStarsCathy

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User Profile: WendinCaring
WendinCaring April 18th, 2020


Thank you. Direct. Clear. Message received.

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User Profile: Shirley7Cups
Shirley7Cups April 18th, 2020

Thanks @WendinCaring

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User Profile: Shirley7Cups
Shirley7Cups April 24th, 2020

「如果有问题的句子, 可以把这句放过来dashboard,然后在POEidor把这句按fuzzy,之后说 想怎改或是有什么问题,当大家对这句翻译有共识并更改之后,也可以直接按剔」改成「如果有问题的句子, 可以把这句放过来dashboard,然后在POEidor把这句按fuzzy,之后说 想怎改或是有什么问题,当大家对这句翻译有共识并更改之后,就在comment 里打是谁和 一起done,例如:我改了这句,tea也看到没问题,我就会在POEidor的comment 打tea and Shirley done」
@Shirley7Cups @Violiness @artemisbenabese @chickenlittle121@AddictedTealover98 @WendinCaring @AYellowCloset @nightlockbound @uniqueOcean72 @Outofthewind @FaithAmelie @RockSugar98 @CountingStarsCathy @WendyLooo @Littledeer88 @competentParadise6344 @ClaudiaZh @Amberbird @Lightblueocean

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User Profile: SoulfullyAButterfly
SoulfullyAButterfly April 24th, 2020

Warm welcome to:







Thank you for joining us. You can reach out to myself or @Shirley7Cups for questions/concerns. Please note that you will receive an additional email explaining Proofreading Protocol and Shirley can help you understand it if required!

cc: @Shirley7Cups - Chinese Teams Designated Team Leader

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User Profile: Littledeer88
Littledeer88 May 1st, 2020

@SoulfullyAButterfly Hi, where can I go to find the links to help out? I am also trying to figure out how I can log the translation help as volunteer hours. Can you provide some insight into that? Thank you.

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User Profile: Shirley7Cups
Shirley7Cups May 1st, 2020

I have pm-ed you @Littledeer88

User Profile: SoulfullyAButterfly
SoulfullyAButterfly May 1st, 2020

@Littledeer88 I see Shirley has PMd but you can find instructions in your email.

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