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Struggles with Making Art - Even Though it Feels Really Good!

MrEthanWackadoodle April 10th, 2016

Hey all,

I've always been an artsy person. I even want to be an Art Therapist, since it's helped me so much. Sometimes, I have a hard time making art or being creative at all. Recently, since I started seeing a therapist again(I was on waiting lists for 2 years!) I've started making art again.

I realize that art doesn't have to be perfect or pretty or even skillful. Sometimes just scribbling feels good, because it shows how I'm feeling and I'm letting it out. I can even throw is away now; it's served it's purpose! I used to keep everything, and be embarrassed when people saw the works that I didn't like. Now, I don't hesitate to rip something out of my sketchbook and either throw away or put it away until I don't need it anymore.

I knit, crochet, draw, pain, and write poetry. Even when I can't bring myself to get out of bed, I can still write poetry!

I'd love to hear others' experiences on this. I'm sure I'm not the only one!

braveSheep12 April 11th, 2016


There is no good or bad art (': Art is expression, your art is what you wanna express and even if you don't wanna express anything at all. You yourself are art MrEthanWackadoodle. Sometimes you may think art comes from artists but the truth is some people themselves are art. You're one of them♥ You contain in you what noone else every will. How beautiful is that? ♥ love, Sheep (:

CuriousBookworm5 April 10th, 2016

@MrEthanWackadoodle Hello! That's such a good name by the way, it made me smile. I just wanted to say well done on finding your way back into art. Sounds as though it's been tough to do so, and I'm so glad you find such obvious joy and enthusiasm in all you do. It's inspiring and your message has a freedom, a letting go, which I appreciate as I recognise much of myself there. Although I'm still at the 'drink more coffee and don't look at it' stage! I write and struggle to write despite loving to do so, but I'm getting there. So your post I found really positive. Sending warmest of wishes, Janet

MidniteAngel April 10th, 2016


I'm so glad you're immersing yourself in the creative arts. Its such a great way to express yourself, and keep your mind active. I must admit that I've struggled with motivation in the past too, but I keep on making myself new hobbies so I'm never bored and can try something new! You should try posting images of your work - having people comment and admire it will encourage you to continue and fill your day with positivity.

creativeCamp2095 April 10th, 2016

I like writing, coloring, and crafting... and yeah, I do struggle to be creative often. I know I do feel better when I can, but sometimes I just plain can't... or I get so critical of myself it outweighs any good feelings. But I try not to go down that path and just enjoy the process. It kind of depends on my general mental state how well that goes.

PacificSunrise April 11th, 2016

@MrEthanWackadoodle I'm glad you have a perspective that art doesn't have to be perfect because trying to "make good" art can deter us from getting started. I used to think that way and it is hard for me to started on something when I don't think it'll be good enough, but I find that later art can come in bit and pieces. It's ok for me not to finish something that I am working on and perhaps come back later to it. I think art is a process rather than a final product I need to churn out. As long as I'm enjoy doing it, it should be good. Here's an interview with Elizabeth Gilbert that can inspire us to approach art the way it needs to be approach.

MrEthanWackadoodle OP April 11th, 2016

Thank you all for your support and thoughts! Just being heard makes me feel all warm inside <3

It takes a while to realize that art is "good art" no matter what. We are all artists! We all curate something :)

When I have a hard timedoing something I really love, I ask myself, "When have I ever regretted doing it?"

Betkal July 28th, 2016

@MrEthanWackadoodle Hello my fellow artist, I personally used art to cope with basicaly anything at one point, running through my sketchbook really quickly and if I didn't have my sketchbook nor any paper I just drew on tissues and my left hand. It helped me to feel much better and I found my (hopefully) future career. Take care ♥.