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Improving my German

hardworkingBeechwood6063 February 1st, 2023

So I decided i will learn a new German word per day and write it here. If you know intermediate-advanced knowledge on German vocabulary, please feel free to help me out learn new words :)

Day 1. knochenhart (adj, fam) : very hard (bread, stone); trainieren: very hard

purplelady568 February 2nd, 2023

@hardworkingBeechwood6063 Wow, what a great endeavor you have created for yourself! Unfortunately I do not know any German. But have you heard of Duolingo? It's a free app/website that helps you learn new languages. It might help you learn more than one new word a day, so that you can surpass your goal :)

hardworkingBeechwood6063 OP February 2nd, 2023


I used to have Duolingo when i was beginner level. I completed the course years ago :) but thanks for the suggestion anyway!

purplelady568 February 2nd, 2023

@hardworkingBeechwood6063 ohhh I see. You are no longer at beginner level! Well, that is pretty amazing. Keep up the good work, and have fun learning!

hardworkingBeechwood6063 OP February 2nd, 2023


day 2. kommst du zu meiner Party? – Ehrensache vieni alla mia festa? – Ci puoi contare!

creativeLion1989 February 2nd, 2023

@hardworkingBeechwood6063 "Ehrensache" - ahhh haven't heard that expression in a while! You can use it like in your example, however, it is also commonly used in a situation where one person does the other one a favor... "Könntest du mir mit meinem Computerproblem helfen?" - "Klar, das ist doch Ehrensache!"

hardworkingBeechwood6063 OP February 4th, 2023


Thank you for the explanation. Now the term is more clear to me. Danke schoen!

JustMeUwU February 2nd, 2023

@hardworkingBeechwood6063 cool! I’m german ;)

creativeLion1989 February 2nd, 2023

@hardworkingBeechwood6063 Hello :) So great that you want to improve your language skills!! I am a German native speaker and can help you out if you want! What is your plan? Would you like me to give you some German phrases that can be used in smalltalk?

hardworkingBeechwood6063 OP February 4th, 2023


i know the grammar and all, but what i lack is vocabulary. especially verbs. I also don't have much knowledge about slang words or commonly used phrases in daily speech. I would love for you to teach me some ! that would be awesome

hardworkingBeechwood6063 OP February 4th, 2023


also my weak point is speaking; like i could ace a grammar test but i get SO awkward speaking. That's also because i don't know any German people who I could talk to in real life. So i only practice it academically :(

Moonythefriendlywerewolf February 2nd, 2023


und = and

ja= yes

nein= no

CalmCup43 February 2nd, 2023


Freundschaftsbeziehungen (Friendship relations)

Streichholzschachtel (Box of matches)

Quietscheentchen (Rubber duck)

Eichhörnchen (Squirrel)

hardworkingBeechwood6063 OP February 4th, 2023


Streichholzschachtel is a new word for me! thank you so much :)

hardworkingBeechwood6063 OP February 4th, 2023


day 3

responsabilit propria

hardworkingBeechwood6063 OP February 6th, 2023

day 4 ạbsehbar

{KONSEQUENZEN, VERÄNDERUNGEN} prevedibile: in absehbarer Zeit, in tempi brevi, in un prossimo futuro, fra non molto (tempo); nicht absehbar, non prevedibile, imprevedibile; das Ende einer S. (gen) ist nicht absehbar, non si vede la fine di qc; die materiellen Schäden sind noch nicht absehbar, i danni materiali non sono ancora calcolabili



to ruin something for someone