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Music in gaming

User Profile: Juzzy
Juzzy August 14th, 2017

Hey peeps,

So as gamers one thing we all love is that one special game with that amazing soundtrack! Weither it be listening to that amazing metal soundtrack while hacking and slashing away in brutal legend or waiting for that alien to jump and get you in alien isolation while having that dark but familiar sounds playing in the background.

Music is something that helps us fall in love with these games and have amazing experiences, so tell me about your experiences in a game where u can picture every part of it and still remember the music or sounds make it memorable!

Mine would have to be in world of warcraft, raiding ICC and having that incredible soundtrack playing as my mates and i constantly fought together to top that DPS chart and survive sindragosa!

User Profile: Nada
Nada August 14th, 2017

@Juzzy I totally agree actually! I was so attached to the Toy story game because I honestly was so in love with the soundtrack it's always in my head and makes me happy haha! c: Music is very important to me whileplaying and those sound effects too!

September 10th, 2017

Yes! Music really brings a game to life!

One of my favorite game soundtracks has to be The Last Of Us. The music is emotional and played at JUST the right time. It really adds a lot of emotional weight in the games. I love how they play the main theme in the prologue of the game, right when the main character is faced with a tragedy. This theme is used again whenever the character is faced with moments that call back to the tragedy, and specially in moments where he is forced to deal with his past, instead of avoiding it like he does most of the time. Though what's amazing is that as the character develops and moves on from the tragedy, the theme starts to feel different too. The theme itself doesn't change at all, it's still the exact same theme, however it becomes so linked to how the character deals with the tragedy, your feelings towards the theme changes as the character moves on. I also love the music played in the quiet and peaceful moments of the game. One of the ways music is used is to capture the feeling of the character so you can relate and understand them in a more personal way, and I think this game has done that in the best way I've seen so far.

Another game I have to talk about is Dark Souls. This game is infamous for having really difficult but epic fights, and that's exactly what the music here does, makes the fights feel a lot more epic and in some cases even more difficult! They use an orchestral soundtrack specially for boss fights that really makes the whole situation A LOT more intense. Though the best part about this is that the soundtrack actually contributes to the gameplay! The bosses usually have their attacks timed with the soundtrack to help you better get the rhythm of the attacks and be able to dodge and avoid the attacks more effectively. However, they also used this to trick players while fighting one of the most difficult bosses in the game. They made the boss compeltely ignore the rhythm of the soundtrack, and gave its attacks a completely different pattern. It really plays with the gamer in a subconcious level, but that's exactly what you would expect from a game like that!

Oh man I could really talk about music in games all day so I'm gonna stop it right here! But yeah, music adds A LOT more to games than most people might think. It's really interesting how developers can use music to either manipulate your emotions or your gameplay.