Favorite games?
>Favorite genre?
>Favorite console?
>List some video games you've played!
here are some of mine!
> My favorite console is the PS3
Not to mention I am a PC gamer too! I also have a GameboyAdvanced !
>My favorite games are
-Dark souls
-ragnorak oddessyACE
-final fantasy
-ape escape
-sword of Mana
many more! but what are some of yours?
>Favorite genre? My favorite genre is any game with a good storyline that makes me emotionally attached toward a character, either in a friendly way or a I hate their guts way.
>Favorite console? PC but still upgrading it to be able to play most good games.
>List some video games you've played! I've played most of the halo series, and a lot of Nintendo exclusives, I usually watch lets plays of most games however to save some money.
Halo is a great game! are you going to play halo 5? the halo franchise is great in general
No I'm not unfortunately since I won't be getting an Xbox One anytime soonif at all. Otherwise I would definetelyget it.
Heh, I see another gamer here. :)
I generally playing PC games, although have emulators for PS2 and Nintendo GameCube/Wii.
My all time favourite games are Resident Evil and Silent Hill, but I like also other games from survival horror genre. There are also some games from other genres, which I like.
I love TF2! It really takes a lot if stress off of me from the day/week
I still love the Nintendo Wii
But the odd casino game too 😜🤑