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Hi I’m new! I love to cook all kinds of things.

dragonball4lyfe January 17th, 2021

A little more, my family hunts and I butcher all our meat except chicken soon enough when we move. I love baking also. This year I will be growing more veggies and fruits. I’m trying to go all organic cuz I’m fat lol no really I’m over weight. Lost 15lbs in 2 weeks* virtual high five! Anyways any recipes you want to swap or share would be put to use.

lovelyWhisper66 January 17th, 2021

@hardworkingApricot5517 Hi there Apricot, welcome to 7Cups! We are delighted to have you here with us. Whoot, good job on the weight loss! I don't have any recipes to share sadly, but I'm sure other people will post their own soon.

If you are interested and have not already, feel free to also check out our Health Living Support sub-community for further support and resources here.

Look forward to seeing you around the community! Let us know if you have any further questions or concerns. Have a lovely week ahead! :)

optimisticDay8079 March 18th, 2021

@dragonball4lyfe high five! congrats on the weight loss