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What to do when you don't feel like doing anything near the deadline? πŸ˜…

User Profile: happyhues
happyhues February 3rd, 2023

Hi. Just curious with everyone out here. How do you deal with tasks near the deadline. In my case, 24 hours from now. πŸ˜…

Your insights would mean so much to me. Thank you!!

User Profile: innateJoy9602
innateJoy9602 February 3rd, 2023


What I do is break the task into smaller parts. That way it seems more manageable. I do a bit and once I accomplished a small part, I'll take a break and so on until it gets done! πŸ’œ

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User Profile: happyhues
happyhues OP February 4th, 2023

@innateJoy9602 sounds awesome! I do that too but sometimes it just gets harrrrd 😩

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User Profile: JustMia2020
JustMia2020 February 4th, 2023

i do the breaking down into smaller a tasks too. Also what helps me yo get some extra motivation is having a reward system . Like after studying for 30 minutes non stop, I’ll have a coffee break (I love coffee). Or after finishing a project I’ll treat myself for lunch. And I try to keep my study time short but constant , instead of long hours non stop because is harder for me to focus. Which you all the best ! πŸ€— hugs!

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User Profile: happyhues
happyhues OP February 4th, 2023

@JustMia2020 such a lovely response from you! πŸ₯° I'll think about this too. Thanks for your inputs!! Appreciate it

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User Profile: IsayUncle
IsayUncle February 4th, 2023


That is a very good question. Obviously there's a lot of circumstances about the deadline that dictate which action to take.πŸ˜•. But if this is about a deadline I set for myself, boy oh boy do I have a problem with that too.

I have no idea why I have such a hard time finishing my own deadlines. I've read somewhere about the term of self sabotage. I feel like I do that to myself on some level but I don't know why. It happens to me often where I'm trying to finish something up, and I push and I push and then when there's just a little bit left to do I seem to Peter out and don't have enough energy just to finish. And then of course I missed my deadline and I gotta deal with the consequences.😟.

I'm aware of this downfall so I try to pay particular attention to my energy levels, my disciplines and the critical nature of the deadline. If it's not critical, I usually go with the flow, and don't quit until I do get it done even if I did miss a deadline, if possible afterwards I stay at it until I can finish it.

I often use a 15 minute timer for when something is an absolute drag. like a robot I just go through the motions for 15 minutes like a robot and get that much done and then do it all over again 15 minutes at a time. Then if I'm lucky sometimes I make enough progress that I'm able to get self motivated and keep on with the project until I finish it. I hope this helpsπŸ˜ƒ

you still have time..... YOU CAN DO IT!

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User Profile: happyhues
happyhues OP February 4th, 2023

@IsayUncle πŸ₯Ί awwe, this is so detailed and so accurate too! Thank you for your inputs. I agree when you said to check energy levels, discipline, and critical nature of the deadline. It really puts us into a structured perspective if we keep ourselves in check with such things. Let's do this!!

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