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Fitness and Health

KatieMancini February 25th, 2016

Hey everyone! I'm Katie. I'm 19 years old. About 1 year ago I was a nice size 4/6 and I was pretty happy in my skin. Now I'm a size 10 and I really am unhappy. I find myself losing motivation and eatting horrible. I am a college student so it's hard to get a gym membership Bc I'm on a very strict budget. I am looking to lose the weight and get fit and healthy again. I would really like to start modeling in the spring/summer. I would love to hear tips or advice or/and have someone keep me accountable.

[edited by Anomalia for social media sharing]

Anomalia February 25th, 2016

@KatieMancini - Hey there! You mentioned that it's hard without a gym membership, but if you have internet access, there are actually lots of great workout videos online that use only your own body weight, which can be really helpful!

As a side note, I edited your social media out of your post because we don't allow social media sharing / off-site contact here. :)

Ors February 25th, 2016

I find exercise buddies a great motivator. Maybe find someone who wants to do their first 5K run, or maybe someone who'd also like to lose some weight. Do you have any sports/active hobby groups in your area?

And to echo what @Anomalia said, there are some great yoga videos on Youtube.

Devin0210 March 28th, 2016

@KatieMancini - I have had the exact same issue for a while now, and I want you to know that you are not alone with what you face. However, I recently discovered something that has been working for me lately, and has allowed me to drop 7 pounds in a week! I joined this website called Lose It,, and I customized my plan and activity level and now I am allowed a total of 2200 calories per day, doesn't really matter what you eat just as long as you obey your calorie limit. Not only was I obeying my calorie limit but I also quit drinking cokes which also helped me drop some pounds. Walking on a daily basis for at least 30 minutes helps shed the pounds as well. All of this together is a real pound smasher, you should test it out and let me know how it goes for you! Most of all don't get discourages and quit, if you feel low on motivation you have me and the rest of the listeners here on 7 Cups of Tea! I wish you luck. :)