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Relaxation Techniques

Ren August 17th, 2017

The relaxation techniques below have been widely researched and scientifically proven for non-pharmacological treatment of anxiety disorders.

Relaxation Techniques:

A. Progressive Muscle Relaxation

B. Mental imaging

1. Listen to relaxation tapes (Classical Music or Nature sounds)

2. Imagine a tranquil scene (e.g. waterfall or beach)

C. Meditation

D. Mindfulness-based stress reduction

E. Yoga

F. Self-Hypnosis

G. Biofeedback (visual or auditory)

1. Patient learns to control physiologic responses (e.g. developing muscle tension)

H. Breathing retraining (arousal reduction)

1. Take a deep breath

2. Let breath out through pursed lips

3. Abdominal breathing

4. Box breathing for 1-2 minutes

a. Inhale slowly for 3-5 seconds and hold for 3-5 seconds

b. Exhale slowly for 3-5 seconds and hold for 3-5 seconds

I. Massage

1. Gentle 5-minute back rub prior to bedtime

Davis (2008) The Relaxation and Stress Reduction Workbook, New Harbinger

Chieyka August 17th, 2017

This morning, after I was able to relaxe about my mid-final, I made sure to take a few mins for myself before getting up and out of bed. I turned on my symphonies station, put my head phones in and closed my eyes. I allowed myself to get lost in the sounds of crashing waves and instruments as a created my own visions of paradise in my mind. When the song was done I layed there for a moment feeling entirely at ease and ready get my day started. We place so much importance on taking care of our bodies but we must also remember to take care of our minds.